
A Simple Way to Automate Your Business

Even if you have zero tech skills, a limited budget and no time to spare

6 Figure Sales Funnels™ is the exact system my clients have used to bring in more than $15,000 in less than 14 days

Professionally Built Funnels

Tailored to your brand and voice

Automating your business doesn't have to take months, or have you pulling your hair out with tech challenges.

Let our team handle all the tech so you can focus on what you're amazing at...

Automating your business doesn't have to take months, or have you pulling your hair out with

tech challenges.

Let our team handle all the tech so you can focus on what you're amazing at...

As Seen On

Dawn here, writing you from my home office in Las Vegas, NV.

A few years ago, I set out on a mission to figure out why so many of my entrepreneur friends were struggling online.

The reason - while sad - isn't shocking...

It turns out that most entrepreneurs are paralyzed by the sheer amount of tech know-how they think they need to make online sales happen.

Turns out, the vast majority are;

  • Overwhelmed by the software options and conflicting information

  • Frustrated by the confusing sales funnel process, that seems more like a spiderweb of non-sense than a smooth customer journey

  • Afraid to make a mistake and go with the wrong software, only waste months of their life and drain more of their hard-earned cash

  • Unsure of who to trust to help them move their business forward. They've already put their trust in the wrong people and aren't anxious to do it again.

And so instead of making the bold move forward to automate, simplify, and scale their business...

They stay stuck in an endless loop of researching software, lost in webinar hell, falling down the shiny object rabbit hole and never achieving the goals they know are just one great decision away.

But wait, there's more...

On top of feeling paralyzed and confused come 2 more problems... even bigger and more damaging than the others.

lack of results begins to seed doubt and imposter syndrome starts to set in

they start believing that maybe this online marketing stuff is all a scam - and give up hope of ever creating the impact they were put on earth to make.

And that's why I decided to step in...

I'm Fed Up with My Fellow Entrepreneurs

Settling for Less than what they Deserve

"Automate Your Business, Change Your Life"

It's true, when you automate your business, you transform not only your business,

but your life. Check out these stats...

80% of marketers attribute their success to marketing automation

(Lenskold Gold)

Automated lead nurturing converts 15-20% of customers to sales

(Lenskold Gold)

77% of marketers report an increase in conversions due to automation

(Lenskold Gold)

Even More Exciting?

The results you get from automating your business are automated...

Meaning you'll get bigger results, reach more people and have a bigger impact - all with less work than you would have done before!

Automating your business and getting your list-building, client-attracting,

sales-closing ducks in a row isn't optional...

... it's what allows your business to grow, scaling up, and thrive.

I know what you're thinking

"Dawn, I've tried this before... I've had autoresponders. And lead capture pages.

And I've tried to build a funnel and write email messages,

but it just doesn't work for me. Automating my business is too hard.

Nope. It's not. And I'm going to prove it to you...

Check out the video below

Scale Your Business Fast with Leverage


Just like not everyone can be a healer, an acrobat, or an artist, not everyone is a tech nerd.

In fact, the more time you spend in tech mode - the less time you're doing the thing you love - which is why you're in business in the first place!

The key to quickly scaling a business is LEVERAGE...

That means using other people's knowledge and expertise for your benefit.

And that's why, instead of forcing you to learn #allthethings

I did something crazy. I built the whole thing for you.

So that you can leverage my 10+ years of marketing experience to catapult your business.

The Whole Thing?

Yep. Everything from your list-building Lead Capture System, to your nurturing emails, to your Sales System, to your Client Care follow-up system...

I've designed, written, and packaged every single automated marketing element your business needs.

And great news!

It all installs into your business with a single click...

No programming, copywriting, or design ability required.

The Whole Thing?

Yep. Everything from your list-building Lead Capture System, to your nurturing emails, to your Sales System, to your Client Care follow up system...

I've designed, written and packaged every single automated marketing element your business needs.

And great news!

It all installs into your business with a single click...

No programming, copywriting, or design ability required.


The 6-Figure Sales Funnels™ System

What is The 6-Figure Sales Funnels System?

The 6-Figure Sales Funnels System™ is a professionally designed, done-for-you package that contains everything you need to automate your business...

built for your business by our yours truly👆

Get Instant Access to...

The 6-Figure Sales Funnels System

One-on-One Strategy Call ($997 Value)

Professional System Setup ($8500 Value)

Lead Generation Funnel ($997 Value)

Client Attraction System ($497 Value)

Automation Checklist ($297 Value)

Client Closer Sales System ($1997 Value)

Client Nurture System ($997 Value)

BONUS: Automation Bootcamp ($97 Value)

BONUS: Lead Magnet Templates ($497 Value)

BONUS: Simple Traffic System ($297 Value)

BONUS: Resistance Free Selling ($297 Value)

How It Works

The 6-Figure Sales Funnels System is designed to make your life easy. We deliver your system - fully tested and complete with your branding. All you have to do is follow our simple video training to get your new system in front of potential clients and let the system do the rest of the heavy lifting... zero tech headache required.

How It Works

The 6-Figure Sales Funnels System is designed to make your life easy. We deliver your system - fully tested and complete with your branding. All you have to do is follow our simple video training to get your new system in front of potential clients and let the system do the rest of the heavy lifting... zero tech headache required.

A Deeper Dive

Step 1: Your Funnel

Let our team handle all the tech and set up your proven sales funnel. Comes complete with your branding!

BONUS: 1-on-1 Onboarding Call

Step 2: Your Follow Up

We've sent millions of email marketing messages and know exactly what works (and what doesn't). Your new system comes pre-filled with our best message templates designed to convert!

BONUS: Lead Magnet Template

Step 3: Your Calendar

Our team creates you a branded calendar, integrated with your existing Google or Outlook Calendar to keep you organized, and personalized email and 2-way text reminders to ensure your appointments always show up!

BONUS: 2-Way Text Follow Up

Step 4: Your Closer

Tired of hearing "I need to think about it?" No problem with our After Call Sales Closer system. Simply turn it on and recover up to 50% of lost sales on autopilot.

BONUS: Testimonial Magnet

Step 5: Client Happiness

Ensure your clients are delighted with their experience using our Client Happiness system. Never miss a follow-up or an opportunity to be supportive.

BONUS: Guide to Happier Clients

Step 6: Scale

It's go time! Simply turn on the traffic using your favorite source - whether free with social media or SEO, or paid advertising (we share our best training!) - and watch your list grow, your appointments book, and your client card fill. Your elegant new system will do all the heavy lifting for you!

BONUS: Simple Traffic Training

BONUS 1: Marketing Automation Bootcamp

If you've ever felt confused by sales funnels or marketing systems, you'll love Marketing Automation Bootcamp. This video crash course breaks down the process of doing business online in easy to understand terms so you feel confident launching your new system!

Bottom Line

If you are ready to finally start earning what you're worth

and get your time back, there is no faster way than

6 Figure Sales Funnels™

Bottom Line

If you are ready to finally start earning what you're worth

and get your time back, there is no faster way than

The Entrepreneurs' Fast Start Kit™

What People Are Saying

BONUS 2: Resistance Free Selling

If you hate selling your programs and services or just wish it was easier to get your clients to say yes, you need Resistance Free Selling. This video course breaks down the process of matching your service to your prospects' needs so they would feel silly saying no!

Select Your Fast-Action Scholarship Payment Plan


Paid in Full

  • Professionally built, tested, and delivered 6-Figure Sales Funnel
  • 1-on-1 onboarding Call
  • All future sales funnels and updates for a full year
  • Membership site access and video training
  • Proven video sales letter script and slides
  • Ultimate Easy Yes script for closing phone sales
  • Live Training & QA Calls


3 Months Free Salesflows System ($900 value)


Resistance Free Selling Program

($1500 Value)



  • Professionally built, tested, and delivered 6-Figure Sales Funnel
  • 1-on-1 onboarding Call
  • All future sales funnels and updates for a full year
  • Membership site access and video training
  • Proven video sales letter script and slides
  • Ultimate Easy Yes script for closing phone sales
  • Live Training & QA Calls


3 Months Free Salesflows System ($900 value)


Resistance Free Selling Program

($1500 Value)


3 Monthly Payments

  • Professionally built, tested, and delivered 6-Figure Sales Funnel
  • 1-on-1 onboarding Call
  • All future sales funnels and updates for a full year
  • Membership site access and video training
  • Proven video sales letter script and slides
  • Ultimate Easy Yes script for closing phone sales
  • Live Training & QA Calls


3 Months Free Salesflows System ($900 value)


Resistance Free Selling Program

($1500 Value)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need special software for this to work?

Yes, you need a Salesflows Pro account. This is the software that will contain the pages, email marketing, automation, etc all in one place. If you don't currently have an account we'll cover your cost for the first 3 months ($900 value, new clients only)

How long does it take to start getting results?

You can have your new system online and launched in the next 24 to 48 hours. Most of our clients are launched by the end of their first week

Do you guarantee your systems?

Yes. If you follow the directions and don't see results we will be happy to refund your investment. All we ask is that you do the work before taking advantage of our guarantee.

What if I need extra help?

Our systems are designed to be as simple as humanly possible. But in the event you do run into trouble you can always attend a live call, or chat with one of our amazing team members!

Do I need special software for this to work?

Yes, you need an Ontraport Plus account. This is the software that will contain the pages, email marketing, automation etc all in one place. If you don't currently have an account you can start a free 14-day trial...

How long does it take to start getting results?

You can have your new system online and launched in the next 24 to 48 hours. Most of our clients are launched by the end of their first week

Do you guarantee your systems?

Yes. If you install our systems, follow the directions and don't see results we will be happy to refund your investment. All we ask is that you do the work before taking advantage of our guarantee.

What if I need extra help?

Our systems are designed to be as simple as humanly possible. But in the event you do run into trouble you can always reach us by email and we'll be happy to help!


If you put our system to work and do not feel that it is by far the fastest and simplest way to automate your business, nurture your leads and clients, encourage sales and look like a freakin' rockstar to your audience... simply send us an email in the first 30 days and we'll give you a full refund!


If you put our system to work and do not feel that it is by far the fastest and simplest way to automate your business, nurture your leads and clients, encourage sales and look like a freakin' rockstar to your audience... simply send us an email in the first 30 days and we'll give you a full refund!

Just Imagine...

How great it will feel to finally have your business fully automated...

Attracting leads and showing them what you have to offer

Making sales while you're at the beach with your kids or on the golf course

Taking care of your clients to make sure they stay with you month after month

Recovering your hard-earned money so you don't have to chase people

Just Imagine...

How great it will feel to finally have your business fully automated...

Attracting leads and showing them what you have to offer

Making sales while you're at the beach with your kids or on the golf course

Taking care of your clients to make sure they stay with you month after month

Recovering your hard-earned money so you don't have to chase people

It's a Beautiful Thing

And you're literally a click away...

Get Instant Access to...

The 6-Figure Sales Funnels System

One-on-One Strategy Call ($997 Value)

Professional System Setup ($8500 Value)

Lead Generation Funnel ($997 Value)

Client Attraction System ($497 Value)

Automation Checklist ($297 Value)

Client Closer Sales System ($1997 Value)

Client Nurture System ($997 Value)

BONUS: Automation Bootcamp ($97 Value)

BONUS: Lead Magnet Templates ($497 Value)

BONUS: Simple Traffic System ($297 Value)

BONUS: Resistance Free Selling ($297 Value)